Heidi Helyard Polymer Clay Maker Finders Keepers Market Stall

Heidi Helyard at Finders Keepers


How Heidi Helyard turned polymer clay jewellery making into a business


Angela and Renée

Time to Read

23 min video

We welcome Heidi Helyard, Make Good Things Happen Ambassador!  

Join us for a chat with Heidi Helyard as we discuss the highs and lows of working remotely and how she turned making into a business.  

Heidi has built a successful jewellery label around the polymer clay medium, and talks about how Renee and Angela, her mentors, have supported her through various maker milestones.  

Our journey with Heidi Helyard has included upgrading her Etsy shop to a new Shopify website, an e-news strategy that evolved into a subscription service, Studio Scraps, brand development and communications, as well as her application for and subsequent debut stall at Finders Keepers.

Of course one of the absolute highlights of working with Heidi was watching her create her very first book! From creating the concepts to writing tutorials and photographing everything herself, Heidi has cemented her position as a globally recognised polymer clay extraordinaire!

Watch our chat with Heidi Helyard, and be inspired!

If you’re keen to connect with Heidi in our maker community, join Make Good Things Happen here.

Buy Heidi’s book, Creative Polymer Clay featuring over 30 techniques and projects for contemporary wearable art.

Creative Polymer Clay Book
Heidi Helyard
Resin Moulds
Heidi Helyard
Heidi Helyard Polymer Clay Jewellery Finders Keepers Market Stall

Images featured Heidi Helyards polymer clay and resin creations.

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about the author
Renee Baker angela Dalton

Angela and Renée

As the result of a multidisciplinary career spanning over 30 years, Angela has an unrivaled combination of wisdom and experience. With a background at Etsy, Garage Sale Trail and the Finders Keepers, Angela’s expertise includes e-commerce, copywriting, customer service and beyond.


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How Heidi Helyard Turned Polymer Clay Jewellery into a business
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