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Use the form below to sign up as a member of our platform packed full of resources specially designed for the Australian maker community.
If you choose to join below, your level of membership will be The Honeyeater!
Please note the following:
- Your membership will be active for 12 months from the date you sign up and your subscription will automatically renew unless you cancel prior.
- Your subscription will be set up via PayPal where you will be able to use your credit card or direct debit from your bank to pay and includes GST.
- You will see “D’Alton Baker Productions” on your statement (DBP).
- No refunds on memberships but you can cancel at any time.
To join now, please complete the form below, where you’ll be forwarded through to pay via the PayPal platform directly.
Already a monthly member but keen for annual? Log in, head to your Account and choose “Subscriptions and then “Upgrade” and select the Honeyeater Yearly membership option. If you need help just pop us an email.